Saturday, May 7, 2022

Tucker's Baptism

I can hardly believe another one of my kids got baptized but its true. 
Sweet Tucker chose to get baptized today and it was such a beautiful morning. 

While we were in Utah in March, I took Tucker to the Mt. Timpanogos temple to take pictures for his baptism. We had a great time together and Tucker was such a great sport about it. 

I just love this little boy.

We had  a great time taking pictures and ended the night with "Twisted Sugar" cookies. 

I used the pictures we took for his baptism announcement and I displayed them around the room at the church building. 

It was such a beautiful baptism. Tucker had asked his Grandpa Herb to speak about baptism and he did a wonderful job. Tucker listened attentively and answered his questions. 
Then Tucker was baptized. Tanner and Bailey were able to be the witnesses and made sure that Tucker went all the way under. They took their duty very seriously. 
After his baptism Brett Kingrey and I sang "I love to see the Temple" and Brett accompanied us with his ukulele. Everyone said it was beautiful, I don't really remember. I'm just glad it's over. 
Then Papa spoke about the Holy Spirit and he sat Tucker down and talked to him one on one. It was pretty adorable. 
After his talk, Tucker was confirmed and given the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

When the baptism was over. We took a few pictures with friends. 
We were grateful that Tucker's good friend Ivy and her mom, Laura, were able to be there. 
Tucker's 2nd grade teacher, Ms. Palmer, also came and Tucker was so thrilled. 
Tucker's good friend, Tommy Fuhriman, was also able to come. These two have been friends since birth. Tucker went to Tommy's baptism in January, so we were so happy that Tommy was able to come to Tucker's.
These two boys are such cuties. 
After getting the room cleaned up, we all went outside to the pavilion to have a little breakfast I had put together. 

We had yogurt parfaits with different kinds of fruit and granola.
I also had muffins and cereal for everyone, along with juice and milk. 
My awesome friend, Melissa Teshima, made these adorable cookies. 
I just love the little suit cookie. They are all amazing but I really love the suits. 
It was a beautiful day after a week of constant rain. We were grateful for the sunshine and warmth. 

I sure love this boy. He's a tender little sensitive soul and we are so grateful he's part of our family.

We also felt so blessed that both sets of grandparents were able to come to Tucker's baptism. 
He's a very loved little boy. 
The whole family together. 

It really was such a beautiful day. There were many others there to support and love Tucker. He is a very lucky little boy. 
I loved watching Tanner support and encourage Tucker. He kept putting his arm around Tucker and encouraging him to listen and be attentive. He told Tucker he was proud of him and it was pretty cute. 

I'm so grateful for the gospel and the peace and direction it gives our family. 
The spirit was very strong this morning at Tucker's baptism. I don't know if he could tell, but I know Heavenly Father was very pleased with his decision. We sure love you Tucker!

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