Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tanner the Cub Scout

Now that Tanner is 8 he is OFFICIALLY a CUB SCOUT!!!
What? I have a boy in scouts?? How is this possible?
Also, he's the cutest cub scout ever!
Eight year old scouts are in the Wolf den. 
I seriously can't handle his adorable wolf uniform!!
The cub scout sign. 

Seriously, the wolf handkerchief? Too freakin cute!

His first official night at cub scouts was a pack meeting. He helped with opening exercises. He was part of the color guard. The posted the colors and it was pretty cute. 
Then he sat with his den during the rest of the pack meeting. 
He was welcome to scouts and had to tell his pack three things about himself. 
Favorite color: blue
Favorite cereal: Captain Crunch
Favorite animal: giraffe
This is his first den leader- Bro. Kent Hutchings. 
His den was also in charge of bringing treats for dessert. So I tried my hands at sugar cookies. Tanner loved how they turned out. 
How cute are these boys? And their wolf hats? 
We are lucky that his den is so big and he has so many little friends in his den. 
Tanner is very excited to start working on passing things off. He can't wait to earn his bobcat badge.
I am so excited too. I'm weirdly excited for him. I figure, I have three boys- I'm going to live and die doing scouting- I might as well just jump in and try to enjoy it. 
So that's what I'm doing.

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