Monday, March 28, 2016

Bailey's Preschool Egg Hunt

Today, the Monday after Easter, Bailey's class had their egg hunt. Here is a shot of the entire class. 
It was probably the world's fastest egg hunt but the kids all seemed to have fun. 
Here is Bailey making sure her egg does indeed have candy inside. 

Bailey and her friend, Chloe after the egg hunt. 
It was so sunny and hard for the girls to see, but they tried to smile. 
We took a few pictures in the shade afterwards. 

This green egg was a favorite because it was blending into the grass and she almost didn't see it at first. 
I love this one. She was obsessed with her eggs. 
Love my precious girl. 

Oh and one day when the older kids were at school, I took Tucker over to the Tulip path for some pics. They were so beautiful and I couldn't stand not documenting them. 

Now Easter is happily wrapped up and I can move onto the next major holiday or school event. 
Here's too the month of April and all the fun that is coming our way!

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