Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Halloween has finally come and gone. I feel like Halloween is alot like Christmas, in the way that I plan and prepare and plan and prepare some more for Christmas and then in one day its over. Halloween is just the same. I plan and prepare and sew and glue and slave over our costumes for a couple weeks and then in one night, its over.
TOTALLY worth it though!
I LOVE getting my whole family dressed up. Its so fun. This year was even more fun because Tanner was so into it. He loved that we were all superheroes together.
Here is our Herb Halloween 2012
Chris- Clark Kent/Superman
Me- Wonder Woman
Tanner- Captain America
Bailey- Super Girl

I really loved all our RED WHITE AND BLUE. It was a fun theme. Probably one of my favorite family themes we've done so far.
Here are the past 3 years.
2009- Greek Gods- Tanner was our baby "Hercules"
2010- Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook
2011- Wizard of Oz. Sleeping Dorothy, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man
2012- Superheroes!
I love Bailey's little face in this one. It's one of the few where she is actually smiling!
My studly husband- Clark Kent/Superman. (He's such a good sport)
Out of all the days of the year, I'm pretty sure I love him most each year on Halloween!
And who is this heart breaker. Ladies- watch out for my handsome Captain America
Oh and don't forget about my sweet Super girl!
Anyways, our Halloween started off with a festive breakfast
After eating this, Tanner and Bailey made spooky ghost noises all morning. When I asked them why they were being so spooky Tanner replied "I ate ghosts, I spooky now". Haha
Here are the kiddos in the Halloween outfits. They wore those all day.
We went to story time, then to Sonic to get .50 cent corn dogs and then home for naps. By the time they woke up it was time to get ready for our Ward Halloween party. It was a chili/hot dog supper and then a trunk or treat afterwards. The kiddos had a blast.
My trunk, all ready for "Trunk-or-treaters"
Here's Tanner and I "trunk-or-treating"

Standing in a line behind one of the cars...
Cousins with their candy loot. My kids LOVE suckers!
Mom and Super girl at Nanny and Papa's house afterwards. We went over to show them our costumes and hang out for a bit before putting the kids to bed.
Here are the kids in their "spooky" Halloween pj's
It was a great night and I'm so glad we didn't have any major meltdowns at the party. The kids handled all the excitement very well and each only ate about 3 pieces of candy that night.
Or course, after they went to bed I sorted through all the "good" candy and put that in a bag for Chris and I. Don't worry- I left them all the suckers and smarties. Aren't I an awesome Mom?
It was such a fun night. I'm trying to really appreciate the fact that my kids aren't picky about what theme we do. I know that wont last long- so maybe one more year before Tanner wants to start picking out his own costume. I'm already getting excited for next year!!! EEEKKKK!

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