Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tanner's First Steps

Tanner busted out a new trick today. He decided he wanted to walk. I crouched down at his level, held out my hands and he walked right to me. We were all so excited following the debut of his new skill, we sat around watching him walk back and forth between different people for about half an hour. Tanner was sufficiently worn out by then and he fell asleep on our way home. He just turned 11 months old on Saturday and although I'll probably regret these words later, I'm so excited about Tanner walking. My back has been aching for months now from bending over and holding his hands while he walked. Now I must go baby-proof my cabinets. Here are a few pics- they're not the best because its hard to hold my hands out to catch him and hold the camera straight, but you get the idea. This one Chris took He's still wobbly, but its so cute.
Here is another video of Tanner walking. This one is different than the one I put on facebook.
Just ingore our dumb commentary the entire time and focus on the kid.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you called your son a drunk sailor. (It's kind of hard to ignore the commentary.)

    What a big boy!
