Thursday, February 11, 2016

Class Valentine's Day Parties

This week has been crazy with valentine's day activities but its been so fun. 
We started off the craziness with Bailey's preschool valentine's class party. 
Each kid took their turn passing out their valentine cards.
It was so fun to watch Bailey as she got valentines from her friends and classmates.
Her little face would light up each time. 

The kids loved comparing their valentines and Bailey was constantly showing me the different cards and candy. 
Even the teachers passed out gifts. 
Then it was time for snacks
I am so glad I got to be there for her class party. I just love watching Bailey at preschool. 
The next day I got to go to Tanner's Kindergarten class Valentine's day party. 
It was equally adorable. There was an ice cream bar that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 
Tanner got every topping possible. 
The kids did a heart/hand craft and then they passed out valentines to each other. 
Tanner and I made this R2-D2 box for his valentines. He worked so hard on it and he loved it!
He couldn't wait to take it to school to show all his friends. 
The sorting is probably the cutest part. The kids were so cute together. 

After the party I checked Tanner out of school a little early and we headed home. It was so fun to spend time with each of my big kids. Valentine's day is one of my favorite holidays.
So fun!

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