Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tanner's 15th Birthday

Today we celebrated our favorite oldest child. Tanner turned 15 and I can hardly believe it. 
My kids are all getting so old and I'm just not ok with it. 
I don't want to go back to the toddler days, but I wish we could freeze this time. I don't want Tanner to move out and go on a mission. I don't want any of my kids to leave. It's getting to close!
Tanner didn't really want a themed party, he just wanted some of her favorite colors. That made it really easy for me. 
I sure love this boy. He's such a great kid and he's such an easy teenager. May that continue in the future!

Tanner did request a few things. He loves cream soda and so we drank that. We also had jello cups and popcorn. 
Tanner also requested a pineapple upside down cake. He was so excited about that. 
I ended up making it in a bundt pan because I thought it would look prettier. 
The party was simple but nice and Tanner loved it. 

We ate, watched a movie and eventually ate cake and opened presents. It was a super chill birthday and we had a great time celebrating our boy. 
15 candles had that cake very well lit and Tanner wasn't quite able to blow them all out in one breath. 

Happy birthday Tanner boy. We loved you so much! 

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