Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Last Day of DIGITAL School

Today we FINALLY finished our online learning. Digital learning was a little rough but we survived and I'm so proud of my kids for all their hard work. They really did so great. Each morning they would get themselves ready for school by getting dressed, making their beds and eating breakfast. Then we would do 30 minutes of scripture study starting at 8:30 and then at 9 am they would start their school work. This went on for 10 weeks and they were such champs. It wasn't easy on any of us but we all persevered and finished the school year strong. 

I feel like some of the kids changed so much over the last nine months, but Bailey looks mostly the same- just a haircut changed. 
Here is a first and last day comparison.

Since quarantine is our new normal it seemed appropriate to have the kids wearing face masks. 

I think Tucker grew up the most over the school year.
Here is his side by side of his first and last day
Doesn't he look older?

And here are Tanner's last day of school pics. He really loves his star wars masks.  

Tanner looks mostly the same but he got his braces off the week after his first day of school so his smile definitely looks older. 

Oh and Benson wanted in on the last day of school pics. He as so cute and smiled so sweetly for me. 
We  also celebrated with our annual end of school party. This year the theme was "Too COOL for School". It was a popsicle party and it was so cute. 

I love these kids so much! They earned this party this year more than ever before. 

Oh and we ended the day with our normal end of school buckets.
This year we don't know if our POA pool will even be opening but I still wanted to make it special. The buckets had new beach towels, goggles and sidewalk chalk with some sunscreen as well.
The kids loved it. 
Now onto Summer with these cuties!
Yay for no more school!!!

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