Friday, April 10, 2020

Our Christian Passover Feast

Tonight we had our second annual Christian Passover feast. It was so fun. I really love this tradition and especially during this strange time of a worldwide pandemic it really brought me a lot of hope and comfort. The script tells all about a God who was in control and led his people during their times of trial. It's about a God who has a plan and is aware of the needs of his people. That thought alone makes me feel so much better in this uncertainty.
Here was the script we all read together:

A Christian Passover Feast

Dad: Father in Heaven, we thank you for making us holy through the blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ and helping us to remember Him as we celebrate his Last Supper. Thank you for this feast of unleavened bread, when we can remember how you freed the Israelites from Egypt through the Passover and how you freed us from sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Bailey: Why are we eating unleavened bread tonight?
Dad: We eat matzoh because we remember Jesus. Sin, like yeast, puffs us up and makes us feel bigger and better than we are. This bread has no yeast, like Jesus, who was never puffed up with sin.
Break the matzoh in half and pass it around the table. Jesus was broken for us.Benson: Why are we eating bitter herbs?
Pass the bowl of horseradish.
Dad: We eat bitter herbs to remember the bitterness of slavery the Israelites suffered under the Pharaoh. We also remember all the people who have suffered or died so that we may worship Jesus freely and how Jesus took on all the bitterness of our sins.
Tucker: Why do we eat parsley dipped in salty water?
Pass the parsley and a small bowl of salt water.
Dad: Parsley reminds us of the branches that the Israelites used to wipe lamb's blood on their door frames so that the angel of death would know to pass over their homes. It also reminds us of the new life we find in Jesus. We dip our parsley in salty water to remember the salty tears the Israelites cried as they painted their door frames.
Tanner: Why do we eat haroset?
Pass the haroset.
Mom: We eat this sweet apple paste to remember the bricks and mortar the Israelites had to lay as they did the Pharaoh’s work. Its sweetness reminds us of the hope we have in eternal life with Jesus.
Bailey: In the middle of the table sits a cup of the fruit of the vine. The Israelites never drank from this goblet, saving it for Jesus. Since Jesus has already come, we can drink from this special cup. We drink in hope for our future and joy in Jesus!
Pass the special cup.
Tanner: The Israelites avoided death by the blood of a lamb painted on their door frames. Jesus is called the Lamb of God because His blood saves all of us from our sin and the death we deserve.
Mom: We will eat a special dinner of lamb, new spring vegetables and new baby potatoes to symbolize the new life we all have thanks to Jesus Christ.
Dad: Offers a prayer to bless the food, offering thanks for the atonement, for saving the Israelites from Egypt, saving us all from our sins and for our eternal life through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The meal was delicious and Chris cooked the lamb perfectly and the veggies were delicious. The kids loved the apple paste and the pita bread.

I sure love this crew of mine. 
Benson really loved our special goblet. He loved getting to drink out of it. We were cracking up watching him. 

It was a wonderful night and a beautiful dinner. It makes me feel so grateful for my ever aware and loving Father in Heaven and my Savior and his resurrection. I can't wait for Easter. 

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