Saturday, December 21, 2019

Temple Weekend Getaway with Chris

This weekend the awesome Aunt Sarah and Uncle Johnny watched our kids for us so Chris and I could go to Kansas City together. It was a last minute trip for me but I'm so glad I got to go with him. Chris was going either way, because it was his weekend to work at the temple, but because the Allreds had our kids, I got to go too. It was so nice.
We had a nice quiet drive where we were able to talk and enjoy each other, then I dropped Chris off at the temple for his Friday night shift and did a little Christmas shopping.
I picked him up afterwards and then we went to our hotel. 
The next morning we had to wake up early so I could take Chris to the temple for his Saturday shift (6 am-6 pm) but then I went back to the hotel and slept in until it was time to check out.
Then I checked out and went to the temple, where I met a friend and we did a session together.
It was so nice to be in the temple, but it was even more amazing to get to see Chris working in the temple. This man of mine is pretty amazing. He's changed over the last few months since he started working at the temple. It's not like he needed to change, but I feel like it's impossible to not become a better version of yourself while serving at the temple. The changes have been subtle but I have noticed a difference and I'm so grateful for the spirit he brings into our home. He's such a great man. I just love him so much. 

 Meanwhile, back in NWA, the Allreds were rocking life with 7 kids.
They took the kids to the libary and to the park. They had a picnic and played together. 

They  are awesome and the kids had a great time hanging out with their cousins. 

We got home late Saturday night and Aunt Sarah had all the kids in their beds and they had all showered. We are so grateful! It was  a wonderful weekend that was much needed. We were able to reconnect and it was so great. 

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