Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mimi & Grandpa's Visit

Outside of the very busy birthday/baptism weekend we had with the grandparents, we were able to enjoy a whole week with Mimi and Grandpa.
We went out to dinner one night with everyone to Tanner's favorite spot- "Tokyo House" where we all enjoyed sushi and Chinese food. 
During the week while the kids were in school, Mimi and Grandpa helped Chris at our new "fixer upper" house. They made so much progress. In just a few days they had knocked out the screen in back porch, poured concrete and framed the addition and the roof. It was crazy. 

Seriously, I can't even begin to say what a huge help they were. 
During our free time, we just got to hang out, chat, work on puzzles together and enjoy having them close. We don't get to see them very often so we really love it when they visit. 

Here's the crew with the state fair puzzle they finally finished. It took about a week on and off. They were pretty proud of themselves. 
Grandpa had to leave earlier than Mimi. She got to stay for about an extra week.
She worked on her school work part of the time, but also helped me a tremendous amount.
It was so nice to have another adult around.
I had to speak in church today and it was so nice to have Deveney there to help with the kids. She left this afternoon but we enjoyed having her so much!

We cant wait to see them both on our cruise in October. It seems like forever away, I know it will be here before we know it. Until then- thanks for the visit Mimi and Grandpa! Can't wait to see you again!

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