Monday, November 17, 2014

An "Explore and Discover" Thanksgiving

I was able to visit Tanner's preschool for his class' thanksgiving feast today. It was pretty adorable. He was so excited to see me. His preschool really encourages parent involvement. I don't usually get to visit during the day because I have two other young ones at home. Well today I thought parents were invited to the feast, so I asked my friend too keep my babies so I could visit Tanner. It turned out, it wasn't really a parent thing, but they were gracious and let me stay. 
I had so much fun watching these cute little preschoolers enjoy their feast. Aren't they the cutest pilgrims you've ever seen.

While we ate, Tanner and his little buddies told me the story of the first Thanksgiving. It was so cute. 
Here is Tanner and one of his little buddies in his class. Aren't they cute in their hats?
The cutest little pilgrim around. Love this boy
Tanner is learning so much this year and he's loving his preschool. I feel so blessed that he is happy learning and enjoying his school. 

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