Sunday, January 19, 2025

Tanner's Ordination

 I can hardly believe that my boy is turning 16 this year and in our church that means he gets to advance in the Aaronic priesthood and now he gets to bless the sacrament  and he moves up to the "Priest Quorum" at church. In the church handbook it talks about the responsibilities of a priest and reading over it made me a little emotional. "The honor of administering the sacrament is given to the priests, who offer the sacramental prayers. A priest is asked to  be familiar with the sacramental prayers, dress appropriately, and wash his hands before performing this ordinance. Above all, a priest should be worthy to perform this sacred ordinance as the Savior’s representatives."

I still can't believe my boy is old enough to be blessing the sacrament! I'm so proud of him and grateful that he's working hard to live worthily of his responsibilities. 

As a priest he can also perform baptisms, under the direction of the bishop. This is pretty cool because if Benson wanted, Tanner could baptize him this year. There are a few other responsibilities as well, but the first two are just making Tanner seem so grown up. 

I can't wait to go to the temple with Tanner and watch him perform baptisms for the dead. It's going to be so awesome. 

We were grateful that Tanner was willing to wait until today to be ordained because Nanny and Papa were in Utah until last night and they just got back. Because Tanner wanted his Grandparents to be here for his ordination, we waited. He's a pretty cool kid. 

Tanner helped with the sacrament today but he didn't bless. It was so cute to watch him up there preparing the sacrament with the other priests. I can't wait to hear him bless it though. That's going to be an awesome day. 

We sure love our Tanner boy. He's such a great first child. He's a great example to his younger siblings and he's just a happy kid. I need time to slow down so we can have him home more. 

We are so proud of you Tanner!

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