We just had the most epic snow day we've had in a while. The snow was the most perfect consistency. It was perfect for packing and we had the best time playing in it.
We made a huge "Redneck snowman" and it was so fun. Note the trucker's cap, bandana and gun. We were cracking up at our creation.
I think we got around 8 inches and it was just so fun. Bentonville released school early on Thursday and the snow started very lightly that evening. But by the next morning we had a solid 8 inches. It was so fun to wake up to so much snow. Bentonville had proactively canceled school for Friday so we knew we could sleep in and then play all day. It was the best.
We went sledding down our driveway and played for hours. Eventually we came inside and ate lunch and warmed up. For some reason, snow days always require fresh baked bread in my mind. So I had to make bread. We also had some homemade soup that Dad made for us.
That's another thing, I love that Bentonville shuts down for snow days. So Chris got to be home with us. He worked from home but he was able to play with us.
We played in the backyard for hours too working on an igloo. The little boys really wanted to build a huge snow fort. We used our sand buckets to build with and it worked perfectly.
When the kids came home on Thursday I had set up a snuggle area- basically I inflated a mattress and laid it right next to the couch and then covered both with tons of blankets and pillows. I had also order lots of snacks and treats on Thursday so we were all set for the snow day.
We eventually came in and made pizza and finally watched "Wicked" with the kids. They have been dying to watch it since Thanksgiving, but we were busy and then it came out on streaming platforms so we had to rent it.
It was so fun to watch it together. The kids loved it and they now want to learn the words to every song.
Then on Saturday it warmed up a bit more and the roads had cleared so we were able to leave the house to run a few errands. Tucker and Benson stayed home and worked on their fort some more.
Dad helped them finish their fort but the ended up using a tarp for the ceiling. It was too hard to get the roof to stay up with snow. The boys were determined to sleep outside last night. So they gathered all their stuff and dressed in layers. Then they went outside to setup their beds. It was actually pretty cute. It was supposed to be warmer than the previous nights so I was okay with them trying. I was mostly impressed they would want to sleep outside. They were just so excited to sleep in their snow fort.
They made it outside until about 2 am. At that point Benson had rolled off his bed mat and his body heat had melted the snow he was sleepiong on and he got wet. So Tucker brought him inside and they slept the rest of the night in the living room.
It was pretty impressive they lasted that long. That is it for our snow day fun. We had a great time. Now it's back to school tmrw. Wish us luck!