Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June Summer Fun

 Despite all the pandemic craziness and nothing about life being normal, we are doing our best to make the most out of our summer. We had a great time in Texas, visiting the Thornocks, but now we are home and trying to make our own fun here. 
One night we caught fireflies at our friends' new property. The kids loved this so much. I don't know why we don't do this more because they absolutely loved it. 
We had to stay up late because we had to wait for it to get dark but this only added to the magic on the night. They loved staying up late.  
Tanner was pretty good at Catching fireflies. It was so fun. 

Tuck also loved it. He used a net at times to help him catch the bugs. 
Bailey didn't want to leave. She had the best time catching fireflies. She caught so many. 
I love the pictures of Benson looking at the bugs in the jar. They are so funny. He was always so shocked when one of the fireflies would light up. 

It was so fun to see the Lowdens and to catch fireflies together. 

We FINALLY went to our pool too. We've been waiting for the pool to warm up a bit and for it also not to be crowded. We finally got a day to go and the kids had so much fun. 

They played together for about an hour and a half before we were too cold and hungry to go on. 

I sure love this little mermaid. 

Benson loved floating in the donut floatie. 

I also took the kids to "Hobby Lobby"  to buy new beanie boos. We had to wear face masks and wash our hands immediately afterwards, but it was worth it. They love their new beanie boos. 
We checked another item off our bucket list recently by getting snow cones. We went to our favorite snow cone stand, "Brain Freeze" and it did not disappoint. We love their snow cones and their whips. So yummy. 

Everyone loved their snow cones! 
We also made sidewalk chalk ice and played with it on the driveway. This was such a mess but so cool. 
Tucker's sweet artistic heart especially enjoyed it. 
Benson wasn't really into making pictures as much as he was into making messes. 

Tanner put this ice cubes on the hill of our driveway and tried to have them race. It was slow going but made some pretty colorful designs. 

I think sidewalk chalk ice was a hit with everyone.
We have more fun planned for the month of July and even though Dad is leaving for annual training, we are going to make the most of it. This virus is making a lot of normal life very strange but we are surviving and can't wait to see our cousins and other family over the 4th of July weekend. 

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