Turns out the weather man was right and we got snow.
However, school was canceled on Tuesday even though there was hardly anything on the ground. It was outrageously cold but most of the snow just swirled around didn't really stick.
But by Tuesday evening, the snow starting sticking more and flakes got bigger. By Wednesday morning we had about 7 inches on the ground.
This time the snow was more like powder and it was great for sledding but not great for packing.
Wednesday it was about 7 degrees outside so we did not really play outside at all. But by Thursday it was a bit warmer- in the upper 20's- so I took the kids sledding.
We decided to try a new place to sled because we always just sled down our driveway, we were wanting a bigger hill. We went over to a nearby retention ditch and it was so fun.
We played for two hours and I think the kids could have played longer.