Saturday, February 22, 2025

Snow Week

 Turns out the weather man was right and we got snow. 

However, school was canceled on Tuesday even though there was hardly anything on the ground. It was outrageously cold but most of the snow just swirled around didn't really stick. 

But by Tuesday evening, the snow starting sticking more and flakes got bigger. By Wednesday morning we had about 7 inches on the ground. 

This time the snow was more like powder and it was great for sledding but not great for packing. 

Wednesday it was about 7 degrees outside so we did not really play outside at all. But by Thursday it was a bit warmer- in the upper 20's- so I took the kids sledding. 

We decided to try a new place to sled because we always just sled down our driveway, we were wanting a bigger hill. We went over to a nearby retention ditch and it was so fun. 

We played for two hours and I think the kids could have played longer. 

At one point during our sledding some kids from our ward found us and started playing with us. They had so much fun making sled trains. They were laughing so hard and they had the best time. 

I took the younger boys back to sled again on Friday. They played for another hour or so and then we came back home to snuggle up and eat pizza. 

We've literally been out of school all week and it's been so fun. We've been staying up late watching movies and sleeping in late. It's been so fun. 

It's going to be so rough when we go back to school on Monday but until then we are going to live it up and enjoy our "snow week". 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

 Chris and I were actually gone for Valentine's day this year so we celebrated when we got home. We had to attend a military conference in Little Rock and sadly it fell right over Valentine's day. 

This was pretty sad for me because I love Valentine's day and I love being home for holidays with my kids. But we decided to just delay our celebrations so today we had a little Valentine's day party. 

I themed the party around "We need s'more love this Valentine's day" and I made a huge s'mores platter. It was simple but perfect. 

We ate dinner and then watched a movie together and everyone made their own s'mores. I had cookies & cream bars, milk chocolate bars and peanut butter cups for the sweet part and then we had graham crackers and fudge striped cookies with marshmallows. 

It was a super chill party but just what I needed after a long military conference weekend. 

Also, after our movie  tonight we got an email saying that school was premptively cancelled the next day because of an incoming snow storm. So I guess we will have another snow day tmrw. 

Happy belated Valentine's day everyone.