Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Camps & More

So the night before we were set to leave for Branson, 7 tornados tore through NWA. It was insane and we felt so blessed and watched over when we saw what little damage we had compared to others. We may have lost a few outdoor cushions and had some patio furniture blown over, but some people lost their homes and businesses. 

Seeing the damage the next day was unreal. Our stake president cancelled all Sunday meetings and each ward mobilized to see who needed what and how we could best serve. Our church is so well equipped to handle emergencies and it was very evident in this situation. Chris left Sunday morning to go help cut up fallen trees and help clear the roads. I did some checking in with friends and other members of our ward and I helped coordinate efforts with the Stake RS. 
However, we still left for Branson that afternoon and although I felt bad- we kind of left the stress of the tornados behind us for the week. 
Although, while we were in Branson, a family from our stake who's home had been badly damaged stayed at our house. We still had power and A/C- which was more than a lot of members in our stake. 

When we got back from Branson we went to help with our stake helping in the cleanup efforts. Our stake hosted multiple tornado cleanup days and made such a huge difference in the community. There were so many sweet stories shared and testimony building experiences. It was kind of amazing. 

However, also as soon as we got back from Branson, Tanner and Bailey had camps to attend. Bailey left for YW's camp on Wednesday and I didn't go this year. I was sad to miss out on the fun, but I think it was good for Bailey to have a chance to bloom without me there as a security blanket. She had a great time. 

Here are all the girls before leaving on Wednesday morning. They had camp at a new location this year and from what I heard, everyone really liked it. 

The theme was "The Power is Within You" and it was all themed around power. 

One day they got to use power tools to help build a bathroom building at the campsite. 
The girls also got to go rafting, do archery, do axe-throwing and lots of other fun stuff. 
Bailey had a great time and loved the girls she got to tent with. I'm grateful she had such a positive experience. I love my girl and more than anything I just want her to develop a relationship with her Savior and Father in Heaven. I hope this was a step in the right direction. 

The following week Tanner left for YM's camp. They had to do a last minute pivot because their original campsite had too much tornado damage. But they all had a great time. They ended up going to "Roaring Rivers" state park in Missouri. They got to go fishing, hiking, do the "red-neck waterslide" and so much more. 

I'm so grateful both my older kids have such a great group to hang out and grow up beside.
Look at this awesome group of young men and their leaders. Tanner loved camp!

The "Red-neck Waterslide" pictures are my favorite. They had the best time but definitely got banged up a bunch as they were crazy, wild boys. 

Tanner had developed a sweet friendship with Justin Jolley. Justin will be a senior this year and Tanner will be a freshman. I'm grateful that he will have some friends already as he enters high school. 
Tanner loved YM's camp but got home and immediately showered and then passed out. It was a full week and he loved every minute of it. 

Then just two days later, Tanner left for FSY or "For the Strength of Youth" which is a week long camp for youth ages 14 and older. Tanner was so excited for this. They got to stay on a college campus and attend classes, devotionals, dances and just hang out. He loved his counselors. He loves his "company" and he had some amazing experiences that really strengthened his testimony. 
I didn't get to talk to him much but after his very first night at FSY, he texted me saying that he prayed and got an immediately answer to his prayer and just felt God's love so clearly. It was such a tender mercy for my mama heart since I was worrying about him. He's never been that far from home for that long. He absolutely loved FSY and came home raving about it. 
The youth met early monday morning at our Stake center and loaded up on charter buses to drive up to the University of Central Missouri. I loved getting pics from Tanner during the week. It was fun to get a glimpse into his life for the week.
He even sent me one of his dorm room. He loved having a dorm room and he roomed with his friend Caleb Sparks from our ward. 
A lot of the kids in his company were actually from our Stake, but because they weren't in our ward, Tanner didn't know a lot of them. So it was great. He made friends with a ton of kids from our stake and from here on out he will get to hang out with them all the time. It was perfect. 

Tanner was making weird faces in almost every pic but so were all the rest of the kids. It must be a trend or something. 
Tanner had the best time and I think he even has Bailey excited to go when she is old enough. 

Now Summer camps are over and this momma is tired. While the kids were gone, we helped with some Tornado cleanup. It was exhausting but rewarding work. We were happy to get to serve with others in our stake and really help those in need. 

 Aunt Sarah brought her kids and mine back to me. Aunt Julieta came over too. We had a few days between YW's camp and YM's camp when all the kids were together. We had a great time. Stay tuned for that fun! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Cousin Fun in AR


So while my big kids were busy at camps, my little boys were living their best life for about a week in Mountain Home with their cousins. They had so much fun with their Aunts and their Nanny & Papa. 
One night they packed a picnic dinner and drove to the lake for the evening. They had so much fun playing together. I have so many fond memories of evenings at the lake with picnic dinners. So I loved that my kids got to experience this. 

Hazel and Benson just loved their Gatorade drinks so much. 

Another day they played on Papa's inflatable waterslide. This thing is always a hit and every year I worry my kids will no longer find it fun, but they still do. 

They also hunted for fireflies with their Utah Cousins and they hit the jackpot. The boys said they were lighting up everywhere and they were so easy to catch. 

They spent almost the  whole week in Mountain Home and then Aunt Sarah and Aunt Laura drove them all over to my house and Aunt Julieta came too, but again, all the kids were in Aunt Sarah's van. She's just the luckiest. And according to the kids, she's also the coolest because she let them each pick out a treat for the drive. 

They got in Thursday afternoon and we basically immediately went to the pool to swim. 
The kids had lots of energy they needed to get out. At this point, Bailey was still at YW's camp, so she missed out. But she was able to join us for some of the fun later on. 

We went to the Rogers aquatic center  on Friday and played hard. The kids were wiped out afterwards. 

Grant and I have developed a sweet little friendship. I just hope he doesn't forget about me when he goes back to Utah. 

After we left the aquatic center, we realized it was "National donut day" so naturally, we had to stop by Krispy Kreme on the way home to get our free donuts. The kids were pretty happy with that coincidence. 

Saturday morning Bailey got home from YW's camp. We played at the playground that morning before it got to hot and then walked over to sonic to get slushies. 
There's nothing like a sonic drink on a hot summer day. We have been so spoiled by having a sonic just down the street. The amount of money we've spent there over the last 10 years would be astounding. 

Saturday night we grilled hot dogs, had a water balloon fight, played in the sprinkler and made s'mores. 
It was such a fun night!

We played a version of musical chairs but with freezing when the music stop and dancing while the music is on. Then when the music stopped and everyone froze we would see who the sprinkler sprayed. The kids loved it. 


We had such a great night. On Sunday we went to church and just had a chill day together. It was nice to recover and hang out. 
Then on Monday we went to Lake Avalon and played in the sand and water. 
We had so much fun. 

Bailey mostly hung out in the shade, reading and listening to music. 
Tanner made a whole bunch of drip sand castles and called it "Drip Nation"
The boys and Max worked hard to make a water canal and sand castle system.
Grant and I made an awesome sand castle. I really loved the little sea turtles. 

We had a great time and the day flew by. 
After playing all day at the lake, we went back to the house to shower and get cleaned up. 
Then we baked some pizzas for the kids and the adults went out to dinner together. 
It was a fun night and we enjoyed some delicious pupusas.

The next morning the Allreds and Drakes left. Aunt Laura stayed for a couple more days and Tanner left for YM's camp. We had such a great visit with the cousins. It went by way too fast. 
Now June is more than halfway over and I'm sad with how fast it's going. 
Stay tuned for more summer fun.