Friday, August 16, 2019

Bailey's Tea Party Birthday

So on Bailey's actual birthday we invited all the cousins over to swim and play.
We had a small little pool party for her and her cute cousins/siblings. 
This year Bailey requested a cheesecake- but not a homemade one. She wanted the variety cheesecake from the store. I was happy to oblige and make both of us very happy. 
How cute are all these cutie cousins? I love them all so much!
The kids played and played and we had the entire pool to ourselves.
We eventually sang to Bailey, she blew out her candles and we all enjoyed a cheesecake. 
Then it was time to open presents. Bailey got spoiled rotten and she loved every minute of it. 
She truly enjoyed every second of her day!
But that wasn't the end of her fun. 
Tonight, we got to celebrate Bailey's birthday with a tea party with all her friends. 
I had so much fun styling this tea party. It really was so fun and so pretty. 
But I couldn't have done it without my amazing Mother-in-law Deveney. She's seriously such a rock star. She helped me make food, decorate, set up and everything. 
We were so happy to have her there and to take advantage of her help.

Here was the table setup. It was so pretty. 

I made the cake myself and I kind of loved how it turned out. 

The balloon garland was one of my favorite parts of the party. I'm a huge balloon garland person these days, but adding the floral touches took it to a whole new level. 

The food was so sweet, delicate and feminine. The girls loved it. They were ewww'ing and awww'ing the whole time. It was pretty adorable. 
These macarons were a huge hit. 
Of course we served cupcakes too. 
These cute little ham and cheese sandwiches were also a huge hit. 

And Bailey really loved the mini croissant BLTs. They were pretty tasty and Bailey loves her some bacon- so I'm sure you can understand why she loved them. 

Each girl had their own setting. We also served little yogurt parfaits placed at each setting. 
Of course we had to have tea pots. But we served lemonade instead. We had both strawberry lemonade and plain lemonade. 
We had the best time celebrating our favorite girl. She loved getting all dressed up, she even wore her little lace gloves and hat. It was all pretty sweet.
Oh and the theme was actually "Dolly and Me" tea party so the girls all brought their dolls. 
How sweet are all these little friends with their little dolls? They all had so much fun!

Look at this sweet girl. She loved her party so much. 

After the tea party part of the party, the girls all made bracelets. They made beaded bracelets with cute little tea pot charms for themselves and then they made matching bracelets for their dolls. 
The girls also each got a new outfit for their dolls and then we opened presents. Again she got totally spoiled and she loved it. She loved all her presents. 
Bailey is lucky to have so many sweet friends in her life. 
Then we sang to her and she blew out her candle.
I love her so much.
We cut and served the cake and then her friends started to leave. 
I'm so incredibly grateful for this girl. She's so fun and I'm so happy I get to spoil her every so often. 
She's my favorite girl in the whole world. 
Happy 8th Birthday to our sweet Bailey girl. 

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