Monday, May 18, 2020

Sarah's 30th birthday Weekend

I just spent a wonderful weekend at my parents' house with my sisters. We originally had  planned to go away to Springfield for the weekend for a girls weekend to celebrate Sarah's 30th birthday and to have one last hurrah before Sarah moves to Kansas. But then this pandemic happened and we couldn't leave our houses and everything shut down so we decided after 2 months of not seeing each other, we were ready to party together and we broke quarantine to go to my parents' house.
It was the first time I've been there without my kids in years. It was so fun!
Sarah and I left Thursday afternoon and drove to Mtn. Home.
Sadly, Julieta couldn't go because her mom had flown in from California a few days earlier and she had to quarantine with her for two weeks. 
We arrived around 7 pm and just sat around and chatted the night away. It was so fun and so relaxing. We stayed up way too late but that was okay because we slept in the next morning. 
Dad had to work the next day but us girls played cards, watched movies and just chatted the whole day. It was so nice. Seriously so relaxing. We ordered takeout for lunch and dinner most days. We ate so much good food including Thai food, Greek food and Mexican food. 

We ate so many snacks and watched movies together. On Sunday morning Dad made us his signature omelets. They were as amazing as ever. We had sacrament meeting together after breakfast and later sang songs with Laura on the piano. 
And of course, we had to take some pictures to commemorate our weekend together. 

Before leaving Sunday night, Dad made us delicious steaks.
It was a weekend full of amazing food, relaxing days and even better company.
I feel so grateful we were able to spend this weekend together before Sarah moves in a couple weeks. My heart breaks thinking about her leaving, but the memories of this weekend will stay with me forever!

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