Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tucker's ER Visit

Oh my goodness. Poor sweet Tuck.
He slipped and fell playing near our fireplace today and sliced his lip and inside his mouth so badly.
Initially, we thought he had cut straight through his mouth. There was blood everywhere and it was so rough looking.

We immediately iced it while we figured out what we needed to do.
We decided to take him to the urgent care clinic and get stitches for him.

When the nurse practitioner came in and saw the cut, he told us we should go to the ER.
So we hopped back in the car and drove down the street to the hospital. 
Tucker was seriously the biggest champ!
Both the nurse and the doctor at the ER commented on how brave he was.
The doc came in and numbed his lip with a topical ointment. Then they gave him a shot to fully numb it. Once it was numbed the doctor stitched the cut on the outside. It turned out that he had two cuts.
One cut on the outside of his lip where the fireplace step cut him and one on the inside where his tooth cut into his mouth. The doc said the inside of his mouth would heal faster and didn't require stitches. 
Tucker held incredibly still during the stitches. The doctor was shocked. I was too. He was so brave and I was so very proud of him. 

After we got home, I got Tucker a big bowl of ice cream and he didn't complain at all.

For our first serious cut/ER visit- I'd say it went pretty well. I'm so grateful for how brave Tuck was!
He such a cool kid! 

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