Thursday, May 26, 2022

Last day of school 2022

I can hardly believe school is over. This year has flown by. I really don't know how it happened but I'm glad its over. 
Benson's last day of school was yesterday. I can't believe this boy is headed to kindergarten. It's feels unreal to think that I won't have any kids home next year. So weird!
He had a great year at preschool. He learned a lot and made some great friends. 
He loved it and it was fun to watch him bloom and grow. 

Since it was the last day of school, we gathered some friends and met at the "Spark" ice cream shop after school to celebrate. Benson loved it. It was pretty cute to see him with his little friend group. 
This is Benson's little friend Haley. He loves Haley and they have the best time playing together. 
Benson got Strawberry ice cream and he was so happy about it. 

Today was the last day of school for the rest of the kids. 
Bailey finished 5th grade. She did great. She learned so much, navigated a new school, made new friends and loved it. I'm so proud of her. 


Tucker finished 2nd grade and he made the most progress. He went into 2nd grade not enjoying school, shy and with very few friends that he knew from Kindy.  But he grew so much. He is reading way over grade level, doing math way above his grade as well. He made some great friends and he loved his teacher. He had a wonderful school year and while he is nervous for 3rd grade, I have no doubt he will do great. 


Tanner finished 6th grade and is moving on to Junior High. How is that possible? 
Next year I will have kids in three different schools. So crazy. 
Tanner did great. He was adored by his teacher and developed some great leadership skills. 
He navigated his first and only year of public middle school and rocked it.

These kids were total rockstars this year. I'm so incredibly proud of them. 
With all the craziness in the world, I want to hold my babies closer and keep them safe at home. But the world needs their goodness and their bravery. I'm grateful for our safety this year and I feel blessed to live in the safe little town that we live in. Yay for another successful school year.

When the kids got home, we celebrate with delicious sonic drinks and a little party. 
The kids found these summer buckets full of fun activities and they were so excited. 


I love these kiddos. They are the best and we are all VERY excited school is out!


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