Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Light the World Kickoff and Christmas fun

It's my favorite time of the year and today we kicked off one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season. Today was our "LIGHT THE WORLD" kick off. "Light the World" is a challenge started by the church a few years ago and its an invitation to transform Christmas into a season of service. It's a worldwide movement to touch hearts and change lives by doing the things Jesus did: feed the hungry, comfort the lonely, visit the sick and afflicted and showing kindness to everyone.
This is also the day our elves return from the North Pole. Recently I started having our elves help us by bringing different light the world challenges. So we kicked off "light the world" and welcomed back our elves at the same time. This year my theme was candy cane and the idea was "We CANE Light the World". The kids loved it. They were very excited for candy canes and hot chocolate. 

The cupcakes were my favorite part. They were actually strawberry shortcake flavored and had really yummy filling inside. The cute peppermint toppers were a hit with the kids. 

Later that day we decorated our tree and got our house decorated for Christmas. We hung our Christmas lights before leaving for Thanksgiving so then our house was all ready. It's so fun to see the house all decked out. 
Although it is physically painful for me to watch my kids hang all the ornaments within the same 2 food area, they love it. They had so much fun decorating the tree. 


This little boy was cracking me up. He was so careful hanging his ornaments and then I caught him peeking at me through the tree. I was cracking up. 

I helped Benson hang some ornaments a little higher. He enjoyed finding the bare parts of the tree  and filling them with ornaments. 

Then it was time to put the star on the top of the tree. Benson wanted to try but when he couldn't get it to stay, Tucker took over to help. 
Eventually we finished and the night devolved into a huge indoor snowball fight. 

The kids were laughing so hard. \
Benson was so good at dodging our snowballs and he was laughing so hard. 

These kids had a blast pelting the parents with snowballs and it was a fun way to kick off the season. 
We ended our kick off with Daddy reading all the Christmas books the kids brought him. He's the best reader and does all the different voices and accents. The kids always love it. 
We are so excited for Christmas and all the family fun we have planned! We aren't going to let COVID stop us from celebrating the birth of our Savior. 


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