Friday, September 27, 2019

Fun Run Boosterthon at ETE

Today, all day, I was at the kids' school watching them participate in their boosterthon fun run. This is their biggest fundraiser of the year. They get sponsors to pay for each lap they run. It's a pretty big deal.
Kindergarten went first, so Benson and I got to watch Tucker run with all his cute kindy friends. 
Each class decorates a flag to represent them and they carry it when the races starts. 

Then at the end of their lap, they get a mark on the back of their shirt. 
Tucker ran the whole time and took it all very seriously. 

Benson did pretty good sitting in his stroller the whole time. 
Tucker ran all 35 laps. He's such a champ. 

The last lap siblings and parents got to join in. Benson loved that. He ran happily with all the rest of the kids. 
So proud of this cute kindy boy. 

An hour later, Bailey's class came out. She was less into the running and more into being silly and laughing with her friends. It was pretty fun to watch. She's such a character. 

Somehow, even though she walked most of her laps, she was still able to finish and get all her laps marked off. 

Then, lastly, Tanner's grade came out. Fourth grade's fun run was a color run and it was so awesome. The kids loved it. 

He was covered in paint by then end. It was hilarious. 

I love this kid. I can hardly believe this is our last year of elementary school with him. He's going to be a big middle schooler next year. 

It was a long day in the sun, but it was so fun to watch the kids participate in the fun run.
The school raised a ton of money and they got to slime their principle and pie their assistant principal in the face. They loved it!

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