Friday, April 26, 2019

School Happenings

This school year has felt long to me. The kids are loving it but I'm worn out. 
However, I do love getting to support my kiddos. 
I was able to be at the morning assembly when Tanner was announced as "student of the week" and then I was able to have lunch with Bailey during her week as "student of the week". Happily those weeks overlapped. It made it so much easier to support them both. 
Also, Bailey wanted to dress up for Dr. Seuss day. It was "dress up like a Dr. Seuss character" and Bailey chose "Cindy Lou Who" from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
She made such a cute little who. 
Tucker also got to go on a field trip to the Amazeum. This was his second pre-k field trip and he said it was amazing. He had the best time with his fellow preschool cuties. 
While Nanny was in town helping watch Uncle Joseph's kids, she was able to have lunch with both Bailey and Tanner, separately. It was so fun for the kiddos. They have never been able to have Nanny at their school so they were so thrilled. 
Later I was able to attend "Muffins with Mom" with my sweet babes.
They loved having me there and even though the muffins were more like cupcakes, the kids didn't care and we had a great morning.
After we ate our muffins, we went to the book fair and they each picked out a book. They both love books and it was so cute to watch them pick out their favorites. Bailey got a "Weird but True" book and Tanner got a "Press Start" book. Both kids were thrilled.

Most recently, Tanner and his group competed in the 3rd Grade Lemonade war. Tanner's class raised almost $400 for the diabetes foundation. It was pretty cute.
They sold lemonade and all the profits were donated to a charity of their choice. There is a little girl in Tanner's class with diabetes so they chose that as their charity. . So awesome. 

Now school is coming to a close. Only a few weeks left. Very exciting. 

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