Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Valentine's Day Class Parties

Today I put together a cute little party for Benson and his friends.
My friend Tracie hosted the party at her house and I just decorated and set up over there.
It's so nice to not have it at my house and to just be able to leave when its over. 
We just did a small dessert table and everyone who came, brought a dessert to share.
We had something like 25 kids at the party and it was a bit crazy. But it was fun.
I never do stuff for just Benson and his friends because he's so young, but he totally loved it. 

A small group of the kids. They all decorated valentine's bags. Then the kids exchanged valentines.

When did Benny get so big? I can't believe it. He looks huge!
We forgot to get a group shot until after most the kids had left, but this one is pretty cute. I love Benson standing there like a big boy. 
Seriously this boy. He's so cute!
I just love him! 
Then that afternoon, I went over to Tanner's school for his class party. I'm one of his room moms so I plan all his class parties. He loved it.
We did a minute to win it themed party and used little conversation hearts for the games. The kids loved it so much. 
It was a pizza party and the kids loved it. 
First the kids all exchanged valentines. Tanner made his own box this year and he did pretty dang good. He loved his R2-D2 box. 
They played a chopsticks/conversation hearts game. 
And a Popsicle stick/conversation heart game.  
The 3rd graders were big fans of the class party and Tanner was so happy I was there. 
Now onto valentine's day and all the fun that brings. 

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