Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mimi Comes to Visit for more Holiday Fun

The day after our "Elf on the Shelf Kickoff", my mother-in-law came to visit. My kids call her "Mimi". We were pretty excited about her visit and had lots of fun things planned. She arrived Sunday evening and we were so happy to see her. She brought the kids little gifts- which they loved and she completely won them over. Well mostly. Tanner was a bit of a buster. But Bailey loved her Mimi. Here are the kids and Mimi at the park.

It was a pretty fun day. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful Mother-in-law.
Monday night we headed over to ASUMH for their "Jingle on the Green".
"Jingle on the Green" is a big Christmas celebration the university hosts each year.
We were mainly going to see Santa, but there was alot of other fun stuff there too.
Here are the kids and Chris with Mimi walking to "Jingle on the Green."
Bailey in her Christmas dress- yep I busted it out early so she could wear it to see Santa.
Tanner loves to give his sister hugs. I think he's either about to hug her or trying to keep her from falling down---either way she is clearly loving it.
Here is Tanner in line for the bouncy house. We waited in line for a long time, then when it was finally our turn, it took me forever to convince him to go inside. Goof!
Once he got in, he loved it!
Hanging out while Tanner bounced.
Then we found some friends we knew and Tanner and his friend Austin found "Rudolph".
I love Tanner's angelic deceiving.
Then we finally got to go see Santa.
I was surprised by how well the kids did. Tanner really liked Santa and Bailey was very tolerant.

Sweet Tanner Bear and Santa
Then after our turn was over, Bailey tried to climb back onto Santa's sleigh...I guess she really liked him.
The last thing we did was let the kids get their faces painted like reindeer. Here they are chowing down on their candy canes with little reindeer faces.
Later that week we finished decorating our tree. Chris and I did the pretty decorating and then we let the kids hang the "family ornaments".

Man- I love these sweet kids
Then on Friday night, we went to the Christmas parade. It wasn't all that cold, but there was a chance of rain, so the kids wore their hats Mimi made them. Love the matching sock monkeys
My sweet boy and I (oh and Bailey too...)

Bailey loved the puppy parade
and she kept leaning forward to love on her brother. Tanner is very tolerant of Bailey!
Papa and the Kiddos
Enthralled with the parade
attempting to get a family picture...we are soo unbelievably cute here...
The whole crew.
I love this time of the year and I love all the fun activities we are getting to do.
There are still lots of fun things coming up, so stay tuned!

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