Tanner's favorite place in our house is the back porch. I also love it because I can put up the child gate and let him play and play. He will blow bubbles or ride his bike for 30 minutes without stop. Then he checks to make sure I'm still watching him and goes right back to playing. He loves being outside and thankfully we've had a beautiful fall.
Playing in the leaves
While Mimi was here the kids wore the hats she made for the first time. Love love love them!(Bailey didn't love wearing hers)
Helping mom make cookies for our sweet neighbors- who mowed our lawn for us!
Also- this is Tanner's new obsession. He's always been great at smiling for pictures- but now all he wants to do is be the one taking them. Ridiculous right? He goes around the house flashing the camera and yelling "CHEESE"
Second newest obsession- Scissors. Don't worry- he only uses them while in his highchair and I watch him closely (Resume breathing Mother) But he is actually really good at them. While I was making the Pompoms for Bailey's room he sat next to me and cut for 2 hours. He's so intense.
Bailey is growing like crazy. Seriously- you would think we fed her miracle grow. She's huge. Just over the 90th percentile for weight and height. Little chunk! But she is getting to be more and more fun. She's laughing more and smiles when she hears our voices. She really loves her Daddy. Every night when he gets home he gives us hugs then picks up his girl. She just beams at him. I LOVE IT!
She's even doing better at "tummy time"
And she's loving the bumbo
I just love this little face.
Also- love dressing her for winter (Mostly because I love dressing her in boots)
She discovered her mobile about a month ago and now it will calm her for about 10 secs. But she was so enthralled the first time she noticed it
Tanner loves his little sister
We're doing great. Staying really busy (finally got our garage cleaned-thats a huge step- I could actually park in my garage now)But everyone is healthy and happy and hoping to stay that way.
Tanner is going to be so advance in the cutting/fine motor skills department when he starts school! So funny what keeps kids entertained for hours. And Bailey is just adorable. I love all her little outfits and those boots!