Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Special Night at the Temple

Tonight Chris and I got to take Tanner & Bailey to the Bentonville Temple. (It will never get old saying "Bentonville Temple") It's just so cool that we have a temple just 15 minutes from our house. We've been to the temple many times with the kids but this time was special because in January Tanner was ordained as a priest and so tonight at the temple, Tanner was able to perform the baptism ordinance for the dead. He baptized his friend Caleb, Bailey and me, before Chris baptized him and then took over for the last three youth baptisms. 

There is a special kind of joy watching my son worthily perform his priesthood responsibilities. Tanner is such a good kid. He's a great teenager and older brother, but tonight at the temple I got a little glimpse of Tanner the priesthood holder and maybe a glimpse of him as a future missionary. I couldn't help but hug him after his finished baptizing me. He did such a great job and it was so encouraging to watch him overcome his nerves and perform the proxy baptisms with confidence. 

We had a wonderful time at the temple and I was grateful to have that time with my kids and husband. I'm so grateful for the gospel and the joy and direction it brings into my life.  

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