Saturday, February 15, 2020

Valentine's Day Fun

Happy Valentine's day from my favorite little love bugs.
We had a great Valentine's day yesterday. Benson and I spent most of our day at the kids' school. Between Tucker's "rise and shine" and class parties we spent a lot of time at the school.
But we had fun and Benson always enjoys being in the kids' classrooms. 
Our first stop was Tucker's class.
They were playing lots of "minute to win it" games and Benson loved helping Tuck.
Tucker loves having Benson in his classroom. They are pretty cute together!
Tucker's class had already passed out valentines and decorated bags. He loved his bag and he had the best time sorting through his valentines. 
We had a great time at Tucker's party and he loved having us there with him. 
Next, we went to Bailey's class. She was busy handing out her valentines when we arrived. This year all the kids brought the same valentines to their friends. We made slap bracelet valentines, they said "You make me 'SLAPPY' valentine" and included slap bracelets with different patterns. The kids loved these and their friends really loved them too.  
Bailey designed her valentine box this year and she loves her llama box. It is pretty cute. I helped her cut the paper and then she glued it on the box to decorate it. She did a great job. 
After Bailey finished passing out her valentines, they had snacks. The snacks are another reason Benson loves going to the kids classes, they always share their party snacks with him. 

After Bailey's class party we ended our day at Tanner's class. Tanner's class had finished passing out valentines and were having snacks when we arrived. They had also done a little cupid's arrow craft. 
Tanner also designed his box himself. I helped him cut the paper with my silhouette and he glued it all together. 
We snagged a picture of all the kids together at the school before leaving. 
When we got home,  the kids found a little valentine's  day surprise waiting for them.
There was a box of chocolates and a new electric toothbrush for each of them and they thought it was the greatest thing in the world. 
Later, we had a babysitter come over and watch the kids so Chris and I could go out on a date.
It was such a great night. We went to dinner at "Bonefish Grill" and the food was so delicious.
We had a wonderful date night and it was a great Valentine's day. 

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