Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tucker's First Day of Pre-K

I can hardly believe that my little buddy started Pre-K today. He's going to "Explore & Discover" three days a week, Monday/Wednesday/Friday. He had his first day today and he did great.
He was hesitant for me to leave, but he had a great first day and is excited to go back. 
We took some pictures to commemorate his first day and I love how they turned out. This boy and his sweet smiles- he wins my heart every time. 

Yay for Pre-K!
Seriously though- this boy!
We decorated his school bag with a panda face. He has a stuffed panda that he adores and so he was excited to put a panda on his bag. 
After preschool was over, we walked down to the Wal-Mart Cafe to get some ice cream with Tucker's best friend, Tommy Fuhriman. 

Benson was pretty happy to be included as well. 
Tucker always gets the blue "spark" ice cream and his tongue always turns blue. 
Sure loves this boy of mine and I'm so proud of him and how well he did on his first day. Here's to a great year at Explore and Discover preschool!

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