Saturday, June 24, 2017

Cars 3 at the Drive-In Theater

Last night we went to the drive-in with our friends, the Fuhrimans. We saw "Cars 3" and it was adorable!
 We sure love these friends!
We got there early so we could park together and let the kids play before the movie started. 
Also, how insane is the sky? It was a gorgeous sunset and the weather was perfect. 
These little friends loved their huge lollipops. 
They were so excited to watch the movie on the big screen!
 my "Lollipop guild"

We loved the movie and the kids all stayed awake through the whole thing. It got over around 10:30 and I was surprised they all made it. They  did all end up climbing in the back of the van with Daddy, Benson and I, but we snuggled close and we all fit. 

At one point during the movie, I looked around at my family and had this feeling of complete contentment. We were all crammed into the back of our minivan, snuggled close with not an inch of personal space and I couldn't help but smile. I held Benson and Tucker while Chris was snuggling Tanner and Bailey and I just felt so complete. Now that Benson is here, I finally feel "done". I was worried that I would never get that feeling, but I'm there and it's amazing. I don't have any desire to be pregnant again and I love where we are right now. Four kids is our limit and I'm so grateful for each one of mine and my amazing husband. 

Anyways, we had a great time at the drive-in. I'm so grateful the weather was so cool. It was only 75 degrees when we got there and it cooled off to 68 degrees during the movie. Amazing weather for the middle of June. So fun. Hopefully we can go again this summer or maybe in the fall when it cools off again. 

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