Friday, June 3, 2016

Kindy Splash Pad Field Trip

Today I got to go with Tanner on his last Kindergarten field trip. I've been so lucky to have been able to go on most of his field trips this year. Thanks to good friends who help watch my other kids so I can be there for special events with Tanner.  I feel very blessed. 
This was his last field trip and it was a blast. We went to the splash pad at Lawrence Plaza. 
Why are boys so weird. All the boys were squatting over the sprinklers saying "Water poop". So gross!!!  Such a boy thing to do!
It was fun to play in the water though. There were lots of other moms there too and we spent lots of time laughing at our silly kids together. 

The teachers brought popsicles for all the kids and this was a big hit. They devoured them so fast that most of them had brain freezes afterwards. lol 
Aren't these boys so cute? Adorable little splash pad buds. 
After playing at the splash pad for a few hours, we went over to a nearby park to have a picnic lunch and play some more. Tanner was thrilled that I packed him a pizza lunchable. I don't understand the appeal of these lunchables, but for some reason every kid I know LOVES them. 
After eating, the kids played on the playground until it was time to go. 
Right before we left I saw Tanner happily pushing Madi, a girl from his class on the swing. It was so cute. Sometimes he can be such a gentleman. 

I took Tanner home from the park with me so he didn't have to go back to school and catch the bus.
It was such a fun day. I'm so glad I could go and watch him have fun with his buddies. 
Kindergarten is so adorable. 

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