Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Eureka Springs

While Mimi has been visiting, we've been trying to show her around the area. We spent Tuesday afternoon in Eureka Springs, AR. It's such a funny little town. It's darling but it has this super hippy vibe to it. But the little shops downtown are precious.
We decided to do a trolley tour. It was especially fun because of my kids' obsession with the show "Daniel Tiger". On the show, Daniel rides the trolley everywhere. So when I told the kids we were going to ride a trolley, they were pretty excited.
Here is a picture at the trolley depot before our tour.
We tried to grab a family pic on the trolley but the kids were a little distracted. There were so many cool sights and awesome buildings to looks at.
Here is one of Bailey and I on the trolley. Love this girl!
After riding the trolley through the entire downtown area, we finally got off and decided to explore the little shops. Tanner really liked the old stairs that ran between shops and streets.
Bailey enjoyed riding on Daddy's shoulders for the majority of the time. Chris doesn't mind holding her because she loves to tickle his hair and head while she sits up there. It's a mutual appreciation situation.
Then we stopped at the candy store. It was hysterical to see them inside the candy store. They got so excited when we gave them the little paper bag and told them they could fill it with taffy.
Then while they enjoyed eating their taffy, they watched the old fashioned machine pulling taffy.  
Then we went to the toy store and the kids each got a small little toy. Mimi let them each pick out a toy and Tanner got a parachute man. Bailey picked out a tiny, palm sized plastic dog. She then proceeded to name him. When I asked her what the doggie's name was, she told me his name was "Little Fella". I about died laughing. She's so funny.
Then we hopped back on the trolley to catch a ride back to our car. The kids were so sad when the ride was over. They really enjoyed it.
The kiddos make every day such an adventure and I love doing things to see them smile.
I hope Mimi had a good time because we sure did!

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