Monday, April 29, 2013

"Legend-wait for it-Dary" Weekend

On Thursday, I left my kids and hubby and drove up to Springfield, MO to pick up my "bestie" Christie Thornock. We were roommates in collage and have kept in touch ever since, and by "kept in touch" I mean, we talk on the phone about twice a day....
 Christie flew in from Fort Worth and I picked her up from the airport at 8:30 pm.
We had been planning this weekend for months and saving our pennies for a fun weekend without our kids or husbands. We were super excited...does that sound bad? Oh well. It was a blast!!!
Once her flight got in we drove over to the dollar theater and saw "Warm Bodies". It was awesome. I'm pretty sure no one laughed as hard as Christie and me.
By the time it was over,  it was near midnight. We drove to our hotel or our "home" as Christie called it all weekend....We settled in and talked and then fell asleep with the blissful thought that we had no children or responsibilities to wake up to.
We slept in until 8 am. Yes, that is sleeping in for us. Then we ate breakfast at the hotel and got ready for the day. We shopped "Children's Orchard" in Springfield and then went to pick up our race day packets for the Color-me-RAD race the next day.
Then we drove down to Branson and ate lunch at Olive Garden. And by eating lunch I mean we talked and ate and we didn't have to share our food with our kids and got to eat all our food while it was still hot. AMAZING!  We took our sweet time and 1 1/2 hour later..we finally left the restaurant to start our shopping spree.
After 3 1/2 hours at Tanger outlet and buying just about everything in sight, we decided to get some ice cream.  
We were pretty successful, I think! My entire backseat was covered in bags.
We found a "Cold Stone" and I was super excited. I haven't eaten there in years.
 Oh "Cold Stone"- you never disappoint me!
After our ice cream stop, we went to Target (our largest expenditure for the day) and then over to Kohls. That ended our Branson adventure and we drove back to Springfield for the night.
By the time we got back to Springfield we were getting hungry, but we were tired of spending money and settled on dollar burgers from "Wendy's".
Oh and we made a Wal-Mart run to pick up the essential snacks for a successful girls weekend.
After getting back to the hotel, we unloaded all our shopping bags (all in one trip)
and took inventory of all our treasures. So fun!
The next morning was our 5K. It was a color run, which basically means we ran and people threw color/paint on us. It was pretty fun. Although we did get rained on, we ran the whole thing and finished it together!
Some shots from before the race started.
Our shirts say "Legend...wait for it" and on the back they say "dary"
"Legend-wait for it-dary"!!!!
Notice how white our t-shirts are...also LOVE our RAD tats.
How awesom are our neon pink shorts and knee high socks.
The whole "Legendary" team. Tamara Mitchell, Christie, Me and Melanie Hodges.

And now for some post race pictures
I love that you cant even see the writing on my t-shirt after all the paint.
Front and back shot...

Love Christie's half orange and half green face.
The whole team, post race.

The race was a bit rough but we stuck it out together and never stopped running. It was a great feeling to finish and we only felt a little sick afterwards. Dang cold weather and rain!
After the race we went back to the hotel and got cleaned up. Seriously had to scour my body to get the paint off. The rain helped the paint to really sink in...
I may or may not have used all the hot water...Sorry Christie!!!
Then we went to IHOP and literally ordered enough food to feed a third world country.
After stuffing ourselves we headed over to the mall to make some returns and do a little more shopping.
We were a little more than exhausted and didn't shop long. Then we found salon and went and got pedicures. Don't you love the obnoxious flowers? Yeah, we did too...

We spent the rest of the night in our hotel watching "Love it-or-List it" and eating dinner. We were so tired and sore...but it was a fantastic weekend. Maybe next year we will plan for one more day...but we had such a great time.
The next morning we grabbed breakfast at "Panera" and then I drove Christie to the airport and that was that. It was so fun to see Christie and it's good to know our phone relationship can handle some face time as well.
Now I can start saving my pennies for next year because this is definitely going to be a tradition. Christie, thanks again for flying all the way from Texas- hope it was worth it!