Even though it was pretty low key around here- it was oh so nice.
Saturday was spend relaxing and getting caught up on a few things around the house-- like buying groceries...(eating is overrated right?) Saturday night we went to Nanny and Papa's house to hang out with the family. Tanner had a blast driving the remote control car around outside for almost an hour. Sunday was the typical church, naps, Sunday dinner with the family. Then Monday Chris woke up and went shooting with some friends, then we packed up the car and drove to Blanchard Springs with my family. We ate our picnic lunch and played for a bit.
Tanner and Papa climbing the tree
Then we drove to the beach and let the kids play in the sand and swim.
The sand toys were a big hit.
We also enjoyed burying Clark in the sand- he hardly noticed.
until he wanted to move- then he just busted out...love this money shot
Tanner swimming with his wings
Papa and Tanner practicing his swimming
Nanny and Tanner snuggling after his swim
One cool dude
Mom and Tanner
Bailey spent most of the time in her car seat asleep. Someday she might actually get to swim...if she can stay awake for it. I don't know if its the sound of the water or the heat, but she just can't stay awake at the lake.
Bailey getting a diaper change in the car.
Bailey and I after we got home from the lake
That night we bar-b-qued and hung out for a bit. We tried to take a family pic- Tanner didn't want to cooperate- this is what we ended up with...
It was a relaxing weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed having my hubby home. I miss him during the day and its nice to have the kid-to-parent-ratio even.
Here are a few other pics from the past few weeks- life is flying by and Bailey is growing up so fast. She has gotten really big all of the sudden. She was 6 weeks old yesterday- CRAZY!
Tanner loves his sister
Smiling in her sleep- dont mind her one creepy half-way open eye
silly face
Seriously- he can't get enough of "baby"
Whatever bailey does, Tanner has to do too--
chunkin' out
Bailey -yesterday at 6 weeks..
Tonight we are headed to the Fair with Tanner, while Nanny watches Bailey. We're pretty excited. Tanner has asked to "go go" about a billion times today. I'll post about the fair soon!
Those pics are so cute! I can't believe how big Tanner looks swimming with wings!
ReplyDeleteahh! i love your babies! you are such a great mom, emily!
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Clark's bum. Such chunky thighs! Haha. I'm glad Tanner is loving being a brother. I'm sure he'll have more fun when Bailey is a little older and more interactive. And all those pictures of Bailey are adorable- love her sleepy smile.