Welcome 2012!
We had a great, low-key new years celebration. We hung out with my family until about 10:00 or so. Came home and put the kids in their beds. Then ate the last of our "junk food" and watched a movie until 12:00. At midnight we kissed, sipped our sparkling cider and said "good night". I think I was out cold by 12:01 am. Pretty wild huh?
We did set a few goals for our family though. Which is kind of a big deal for us because, if you know my husband at all you know, Chris hates setting resolutions. But this year we set a few and I'm REALLY excited about them.
1) Read the the Book of Mormon as a family by our next Stake Conference- April 22nd, 2012. This was a challenge given to our Stake by our Stake President and Chris and I both felt like our family could use that added measure of the spirit gained through scripture study and if any blessings come our way from doing what is asked by our leaders, well we wouldn't complain.
2)Have regular Family Home Evening. We were doing really good this summer because there were so many fun things to do outside and it made it fun. But now that its winter and we are stuck inside (usually) its hard to think of things to do besides just have a lesson. So we are going to try really hard to have fun FHE each week. I read a talk by Elder Bednar last year that made me realize how important family scripture reading and FHE are even to the youngest child. So we want to do this for our kids.
3)Live within our means. Since we moved to Arkansas 2 years ago we have been spending way too much money. So Chris and I made out a strict budget and we aren't going to spend anymore money then we really have to. Its going to be really hard because we love to eat out together and I love to buy clothes for my kids. Granted- I usually by their clothes at consignment stores and hardly ever pay full price, but even that adds up. I'm keeping track of all our purchases and I'm really excited to see how much we are able to save to pay off other debts.
4) Eat healthy and eat in moderation. I've gotten in this habit of eating...well anytime. And it wouldn't be so bad if I was eating healthy food but I'm just snacking of junk food. Its making it really hard to lose the last bit of baby weight. So Chris and I are both going on a moderate diet. Nothing really strict, just healthier choices. We will start working out too, but right now we are just trying to master eating better. I threw out all our junk food and bought a bunch of fruits and vegetables. We're are looking foward to a healthier 2012
As for my personal goals, I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail but they mostly revolve around being a better mother to my sweet kids and a better wife to my husband. I also want to become a better friend. I have alot of things I need to work on, but these are a few that I am focusing on.
Thats it for me. Happy New Year!